We at St. James' believe that supporting one another and enjoying each other's company enhances our journeys of faith. Fellowship enables us to both experience and demonstrate God's love as we travel our individual journey and take part in the journeys of others.
Explore our many fellowship opportunities listed below:
Book Group:
The St. James' Good Book Club is open to all members of the parish. The Good Book Club is now meeting during the day. We meet five times a year, on the second Mondays of October, December, February, April, and June at 1:00pm
All are welcome!
Coffee Hour:
Following the Sunday 10:00 a.m. worship service, those who attended the service gather for social time in the parish hall. This is a time to catch up with each other and to get acquainted with guests and with others in the parish you may not know well. Snacks are provided by members of the congregation on a rotating volunteer schedule.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW):
Every woman who belongs to St. James is automatically a member of the ECW. The ECW brings women together in fellowship and increases their faith and service. The ECW sponsors the Ham & Oyster Dinner, an annual fund raiser at St. James for over 100 years. Members of the ECW provide receptions for parish functions such as confirmation and other special celebrations, as well they provide for gathering time following a funeral. Members socialize as they work. Proceeds from their projects are donated to fund several outreach projects and to support parish activities where needed.
Foyer Gatherings:
Foyer Gatherings, open to all adults in the parish, are designed as an informal get-together of parishioners and interested adults at a parishioner’s home. It’s a great way to meet and get to know other members of the congregation. The host sets the format for their month's foyer. Typically, participants bring an appetizer or dessert and beverage of choice to share as well as an item for the Outreach House pantry.
These events are generally held on the third Saturday evening of the month from October through May.
Details and signup sheets for each month are on the bulletin board outside the church office.